Monthly Archives: January 2012

Dolls and Toys Photos – Sepia Saturday

This weeks Sepia Saturday Theme is Dolls.

Im going to start off with Little Miss Miriam Eldridge dated 1915, she was part of a previous blog I did that you can see here

Many of you saw that previous blog and I wanted to report that as a result of the blog I posted, this was the second album/photos to have family member contact me and for the items to be reunited. It is no longer with me. 🙂

This next photo came out of the Antelope Valley Swap Meet last year.  It only had photographer info stamped on the back that reads “Rogers Photo Dallas” so Texas here. Love all the toys laid out, stuffed animals, dolls, train and blocks. Click on it for a much larger version and then you can see a lot of the toys much closer.

Here I am, had to be around 1979 or so. I remember the doll, she had brown curly hair and when you squeezed her she made a wheezy doll sound. Though she wasnt really one of my favorites.

I am a toy and collectible seller, a picker. But toys are my main area. So enjoy some photos of toy Dolls Ive sold or am currently selling.



Composition Doll

Composition Doll – I still have this one, I found her at a Thrift Shop in a bin of stuffed animals, just tossed in. Typically they put stuff like this up front in the cases at the register, her face is not cracked at all and she so easily could have been damaged in that bin. I dont know much info about her so any help is welcome.

1964 Deluxe Reading Beauty Parlor Doll. This baby is up for sale and can be found on my website

Topper “DAWN” Doll from my website

I hope you all have a wonderful week and until next time!


Filed under Loose Photos

John S. Peffer Residence, Battle Creek, Iowa

Hello All,

So much going on in real life that the time to work on photo blogs like I truly want to is scarce. So I just havent had time to work on themes although I would love too! I also got 2 packages in the mail! My mother met someone online doing family history research who had some old photos she didnt know what to do with and sent them all to me! 2 packages chock full of old photos! She just gave them to me! I opened them up and my allergies were really set off, to the point I almost felt sick that night, so I dont want to handle them again yet. Need to air them out and wipe them down really good, and there are some fabulous large photos in this batch, so I cant wait to get a blog up about them and the info the woman gave me to start with so we do have a starting point and names to go along with them but dont know who these people are but we do know who had them in their possession. So look for that in the near future.

This is a photo I got out of an Arizona Antique store, its a large one, close to 8 x 10. It is also quite faded. I have always loved old home photos. And Ive written down what was contained on the back. Havent done a lot of detective work on this or came up with very little when I worked on it awhile ago. But hopefully it will attract a relative somewhere!

Back of Photo reads “Battle Creek, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Peffer residence. Edwin F. Peffer, Dog Sport” (hard to see, Dog is on far right next to guy with horse carriage)

In the 1900 Census there is a John S Peffer who is listed as a widow. Not sure if this is the right one but putting up the info hoping to connect the puzzle pieces. Children are named

Edwin F. Peffer

Mary E. Peffer


Filed under Loose Photos

The Photo Palace School Bus


Saw this online and thought Id pass it along to all the Photo Lovers here, check out what these guys have a goal to do! Pretty cool! Video at the bottom

A mobile studio and darkroom – a showcase for the art of Film Photography.

Mission Statement:

To travel across the United States and beyond, documenting the people and landscape and educating public about Analog Photography in order to support Film as a form of Artistic Expression.

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Faye’s Dress

My husbands Grandmother passed away this past year. She was 94 yrs old.

My husband and I were last to go through her house before the rest was cleaned out, donated or items went into the trash.

I found the usual nic nacks or trinkets, a lot was gone already, but still a lot was left to be sifted through.

I was excited when we got into the garage and there was a closet in there, once I opened it I gasped.

Full of clothing!

Vintage Clothing!

Fabulous Stuff!

This is only a TINY sampling of a few items

I only wish I could fit into most of it! Much of it is going to the local Vintage Clothing Store where I live and do business, or on ebay to find new homes. Some of it I have had professionally cleaned. 2 dresses bit the dust at the cleaners when I went back to get them. Sighhh

Faye had some beautiful dresses, either she or her daughters wore.

Right now we are doing family history research on my husband’s side, piecing family tree’s together. So I have a small amount of old photos my husband got from his Mother of his Grandma.

So I was excited to see one of the actual dresses I dug out of the garage in one of the photographs, Faye came to California from Texas in the 1950s, so this is most likely in the 1950s. Faye and her second husband

And here at home in my living room is Faye’s Dress. Granted this is not as flashy and flirty as so many others I have of hers. But its special to me as its showcased in a photograph. I could not fit it on my other dress form because the chest is too big to pull the dress over, its a small size with a side zipper. But still in good condition! I wonder what the occasion was in the photo.

It looks as if Faye had these items in the garage set out for Yard Sales as many had price tags on them, she had $10 on this one. But it stayed there in the garage, safely tucked away for me to come rescue them all one day and give them new life, homes, and stories to share with others.

Thank you Faye, and by the way, I sure Love that Grandson of yours 🙂

Our last Christmas with Faye in 2010


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