Postcards – Sepia Saturday

This weeks Sepia Saturday Post is not on theme but I do have a little something different, Postcards, one with a photo, one with quite a bit written on the back that I did my best to transcribe. Enjoy!

Postcard says on the front “Suppose you remember the girl you left behind”

Back is totally filled with writing but no date stamp or identifying info.


Sunday Night 9pm

Dear Joe,

This letter I wrote you Saturday didnt get off as I wasnt through with it when the postman came. I want to tell you now before you read it that it isnt a very cheerful letter but I cant help it Joe. Im homesick lonely and blue and dont sleep one bit at night dreaming and thinking about home and Joe. Ill have to go back someway or somehow I am just losing my mind here. Today is another rainy cold dismal day. I am in the kitchen now by the stove while Rae irons a shirt waist. I made your new watch fob this afternoon. I remember when I took the one to (precor?) what I had made that one the first month we were engaged Jan 1907. I was so happy then and so miserable now. You know (?) swivel was broken so I took mine off of the gold chain (?)

Someday I can get me another one. I got your letter yesterday afternoon telling me you didnt write 7 hour day, I am glad you went out with (?) for a little recreation. I never want to go (?) only home

L0ts of Love, Carnie

You can tear the stamps off this letter here and use them again. Nevermind I will take them off as I need them right now

Rae picked this card out for me to send you its very appropo


Don’t you just love how they are posted with their cigars in their mouths?

Backside reads

“ALL WELL”  and addressed to

Mrs. Ida Baslom

72 Bates Street

Logansport, Indiana

Postmarked “Iowa Sept AM 1907”


Filed under Postcards

22 responses to “Postcards – Sepia Saturday

  1. Leslie Ann

    Wow! That must have been a chore to transcribe! I want to know the rest of the story!

  2. Jo

    What a moving postcard – poor Carnie sound so unhappy without Joe. I wonder what happened next. Could the first two “?” words be fob and pieces? Jo

  3. This was so interesting, though it made me feel a bit sad. Wonder why she was far away from home? This is a great beginning of a story. Thanks for writing it out for us.

    Kathy M.

  4. So glad you transcribe the postcard, She sounds so homesick.

  5. Karen S.

    Oh gee can I relate to that first postcard! I just spoke with an old (male co-worker-friend) from my 20’s….(so a while ago) ha ha! and it felt like yesterday! Great post! Thanks!

  6. Oh dear I feel all blue myself now! What a sad card to send to poor Joe; i wonder how it made him feel. It’s a real human story.

  7. Such a sad postcard indeed — so glad for the cigar photo to bring us all back up!

  8. beeskneesdaily

    What a sad story – I hope Carnie was reunited with Joe. Good job with the transcribing, as her writing got smaller it was very difficult to read. The second picture was a hoot! The guys with their cigars gave me a laugh!

  9. They strangely remind me of Butch and Sundance.

  10. Wonderful cards. It doesn’t matter at all that it is off theme – its the quality of the words and images that count and this post has plenty of quality.

  11. The first postcard sounds kind of depressing. I wonder why she is away and can’t go home.

  12. My hat’s off to you for that transcription. Poor Carnie!

  13. Mrs Marvel

    I agree that first ? item is fob as in watch fob. However I don’t know how she would have been making a watch fob, aren’t they usually made of metal?? What an interesting and sad postcard.

  14. La Nightingail

    Such a sad communique – that first postcard. She never wanted to go “anywhere again, only home”, poor girl.

  15. A postcard wasn’t enough space — they needed a sheet of paper!

  16. You can’t accuse her of holding anything back! I agree it would make a great opening for a story.

  17. Makes me wonder where she was and why.

  18. She sent a letter and a postcard – she really needed to get the message through

  19. We are an inquisitive bunch aren’t we! I also would love to know how the story ends!

  20. I wonder how the writer would feel knowing their kvetching would one day be available to millions. I’m guessing this card would be just the jumping off point for an interesting story.

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